AHCA Registered Scottish Highland Cattle
"He will also send you rain for the seed you sow in the ground, and the food that comes from the land will be rich and plentiful. In that day your cattle will graze in broad meadows." Isaiah 30:23
Welcome and thank you for visiting our website! Our farm is located in the Chippewa National Forest in northern Minnesota. We raise a variety of farm animals but specialize in quality, grass-fed, registered Scottish Highland cattle. We started in this location in the spring of 2013. Our fold began with nonregistered highland cattle. After 5 years of not being completely satisfied with the quality of the stock, we decided to purchase registered highlands. Our genetics are carefully selected from all over the world and we strive for the Scottish look and characteristics along with calm, friendly dispositions.
All our animals are raised as naturally as we can. Occasionally we have grass-fed highland beef available for purchase. We hope you will consider our fold when looking to enhance your farm. It's a beautiful drive and if you are ever up this way, you're welcome to give us a call and stop in to visit.
All our animals are raised as naturally as we can. Occasionally we have grass-fed highland beef available for purchase. We hope you will consider our fold when looking to enhance your farm. It's a beautiful drive and if you are ever up this way, you're welcome to give us a call and stop in to visit.
Educational Websites
American Highland Cattle Association
North Central Highland Cattle Association
Bairnsley Highlands
Scottish Highland Cattle Coat Color Basics
The Highland Cattle Advantage - YouTube Video
What judges look for in Scottish Highland Cattle
Cattle Grazing
American Highland Cattle Association
North Central Highland Cattle Association
Bairnsley Highlands
Scottish Highland Cattle Coat Color Basics
The Highland Cattle Advantage - YouTube Video
What judges look for in Scottish Highland Cattle
Cattle Grazing
~ Last updated website on July 26, 2024 ~